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We gave ’em something to talk about!
Bears and Lions Are Totally Not Ready for Bed
Bears and Lions, the country’s best children’s music group featuring grownups wearing animal costumes, is back with a new EP, Wild and Free from 8 Pound Gorilla Records. [...]
If I ever have kids, they’re listening to Bears and Lions.
https://thatssotampa.com/photos-the-9-best-moments-of-gasparilla-music-festivals-9th-year/ " When a band describes themselves as the “greatest animal band the world has ever seen,” you think you might be getting into something [...]
2020 Gasparilla Recap
The Gainesville band, “Except the Giraffe-The Giraffe is from Tampa” got parents and tots in the fest mood with some catchy tunes about pets, airplanes [...]
MyMusicRX video released!
Bears and Lions perform an impromptu show at #ACL for MyMusicRx! https://mymusicrx.org/listen/bears-and-lions-perform-sleepyhead-in-bed-backstage-austin-city-limits-2019/
Cool Things from Cool Moms
ACL Fest: You ‘herd’ it here.
And now for something completely different, animal band Bears and Lions dropped by Team 360 Austin City Limits Headquarters to talk about their fortuitous escape from the [...]